Viaro Energy was delighted to host an inaugural event at our newly renamed London headquarters, Viaro House.

The evening was a great opportunity for our stakeholders to network with the team, and for us to showcase our achievements so far since the acquisition of our operating subsidiary, RockRose Energy.
Our CEO, Francesco Mazzagatti reflects in a letter to our stakeholders.
“As an executive with more than a decade of experience in the international oil and gas sphere, I decided to move my company headquarters to the UK several years ago. London has long been the leading financial hub in Europe, which I have found to be one of the best economies for investments in the world with an unmatched regulatory environment.
The acquisition of our main operating subsidiary RockRose Energy was a major milestone for Viaro. It led to many new friendships and business opportunities, allowing Viaro to secure a firm foothold in the North Sea. We now contribute to 9% of the UK’s gross daily gas production through partnerships in JV fields.
As a good investor, who also personally cares about the UK’s long-term prosperity, I believe it is our duty to not only preserve the country’s stable economy but also continuously work to make it better in whichever way we can contribute. As no system is without flaws, this also includes criticism of ineffective government policies.
It is especially important for those of us responsible for businesses driving the economy to speak up in order to steer the decisions affecting each citizen in the right direction. Progress is never easy, and there is a lot of work to do so we can secure a sustainable future for everyone. That means pushing ahead with the energy transition, maximising the resources we have, and investing in innovation.
Being part of a stable environment where we can hold decision-makers accountable is a great privilege. The fact that companies like Viaro can achieve considerable success in only a few years is a testament to an ultimately well-functioning meritocratic system. And our business strategy to date proves that we are here for the long haul. With the inauguration of Viaro House, we look forward to the next stage in our journey.”